Planning matters

Find details of all current planning notices on this page:

Section 4.59 notices

The public are hereby notified pursuant to Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (as amended), that the following development consents have been granted by Council:

Development proposals on exhibition

Use the below Application Tracker to access development proposals currently on exhibition, as well as development and building consents granted by Council (per the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 in accordance with Clause 74 of Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 1974 and pursuant to the provisions of Section 675 of the Local Government Act 1993).

Application Tracker 

Register of variations

In order to ensure transparency and integrity in the planning framework, up until 31 October 2023 Council maintained an online register of development applications with variations to development standards approved under Clause 4.6 of the Cessnock Local Environmental Plan (CLEP) 2011.

From 1 November 2023 details of all variation requests both under assessment and determined are now available on the NSW Planning Portal, which can be accessed via this link.

Contributions plans

City Wide Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2020

Development control plans

None at this time.

Condition of Consent: Advisory Notes

In addition to the conditions of the development consent, the following advisory notes may be relevant for a person involved in carrying out the development approved under the consent and should be read in conjunction with the Notice of Determination.

The advisory notes do not form part of the development consent. However, they provide information on how the obligation to lawfully carry out the approved development can be met.

Condition of Consent: Advisory Note(PDF, 322KB)

Employment Zones Reforms

Employment zones are those that relate to commercial centres and industrial areas.

The Department of Planning and Environment have reduced the number of employment land-use zones and renamed them. These changes will commence on the 26 April 2023.

For Cessnock, the changes will be minor and they will not have any impact on what is currently permitted in an employment land-use zone.

Schedule 1 of the Standard Instrument LEP Order provides a Savings and Transitional (S&T) Provision. Land uses that were previously permissible under a former Industrial zone but are no longer permitted under an Employment zone, remain permissible under the S&T provision until 26 April 2025. The intent of the S&T provision is to enable the continued operation of valid land uses under the former zone, as well as giving time for the new zones/land uses to settle in. 

From 26 April 2023, a reference to a former zone is taken to be a reference to the new zone in accordance with the table below.

Current name

New name

B1 Neighbourhood Centre

B2 Local Centre

E1 Local Centre

B3 Commercial Core

E2 Commercial Centre

B4 Mixed Use

MU1 Mixed Use

B7 Business Park

E3 Productivity Support

IN1 General Industrial

IN2 Light Industrial

E4 General Industrial
IN3 Heavy Industrial  E5 Heavy Industrial


Renaming environment zones

What is happening with environment zones and when is this change happening?

Environment zones are being renamed by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DIPE) as ‘conservation zones’ in clause 2.1 Land use zones of the Standard Instrument – Principal Local Environmental Plan.

Current name

New name

Zone E1 – National Parks and Nature Reserves

Zone C1 – National Parks and Nature Reserves

Zone E2 – Environmental Conservation

Zone C2 – Environmental Conservation

Zone E3 – Environmental Management

Zone C3 – Environmental Management

Zone E4 – Environmental Living

Zone C4 – Environmental Living

The objectives and land use tables remain the same across all zones. Only the prefix and zone category are changing.

This change is coming into effect on 1 December 2021. This is after the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Amendment (Land Use Zones) Order 2021 (Amendment Order) is made. 

My land is zoned for environment zone (E zone), what does the name change mean for me?

This change is purely administrative and of name only. There are no changes to what can be carried out on your land, or the development consent process.

If you own land that is currently zoned one of the environment zones, you may have copies of planning documents relating to your land that refer to an environment zone.

For further information

If you have any more questions, please contact Your Council can also help you with understanding these changes at the local level.