Online certificates

Certificates can no longer be ordered via email, fax or mail.

Online certificates remove the delays associated with applications received and sent via mail. With 24/7 access to web services, you have the ability to process multiple certificates for multiple properties in one transaction.

Register to use eServices

You must first register with eServices by filling a Login Request. You will receive your login details and instructions on how to use the portal within 24h. 

Order certificates online

You can order the following Property and Rates Certificates online:

Section 10.7 (2) Certificate ($69)

A section 10.7 (2) Certificate details the zoning of the property, its relevant state, regional and local planning controls and other property issues as identified within Schedule 4 Planning Certificates of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

Section 10.7 (5) Certificate ($174)

A 10.7 (5) certificate details additional matters that Council identifies as pertinent to the land which is the subject of the certificate. 10.7 (5)  is an additional certificate that cannot be purchased without also purchasing a 10.7 (2).

Section 603 Rating Certificate ($95.00)

A section 603 Rates Certificate specifies any outstanding rates, charges or debts payable to Council in relation to a parcel of land.

PLEASE NOTE: Council will provide verbal updates pertaining to the information contained herein for a period of (6) six weeks after this certificate has been issued.

Certificates as to Outstanding Notices and/or Orders ($140)

A certificate as to whether there are any outstanding notices or orders issued by the Council under Schedule 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Section 735A of the Local Government Act 1993 in respect of any land within the council's area.

Section 88G Certificate ($10.00 or $35.00 if an inspection is required)

A Section 88G certificate determines whether there are any outstanding monies payable to Council as a result of a positive covenant that affects the title of the property.

Urgent certificates can be processed within 24 hours online. Fees and Charges may apply.