Thomas St, North Rothbury - Road and Drainage Upgrades

  • Project typeRoad and Drainage Improvements
  • Project scheduleMid 2025 - Mid 2026
Thomas St Website picture.png


The existing road and drainage system is outdated, with uncontrolled stormwater runoff contributing to flooding during heavy rain. Additionally, the road pavement has deteriorated and requires reconstruction.

A Stage 1 upgrade was previously completed, which installed a piped stormwater system and drainage easement near Morgan Street. This next stage will complete the remaining works and provide long-term improvements for residents.

Project Scope

The works are for the full length of Thomas Street and will include:

  • Completion of piped stormwater drainage to better manage runoff and reduce nuisance flooding.
  • Reconstructing the road surface to improve comfort and safety.
  • Installing new kerb and guttering along the road.
  • Building a new footpath on the northern side of Thomas Street

Thomas St Website Plans.png

Construction Timeline

Tender process: Contractor appointment expected by March 2025.
Construction start: Expected April 2025.
Estimated completion: Mid-2026.
Updates: More detailed scheduling and impact information will be shared once the contractor is appointed.


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