South Cessnock Flood Mitigation Construction

  • Project typeFlood Mitigation Construction
  • Project value$5,955,000
  • Project scheduleSeptember 2023 - September 2025
South Cessnock Flood Scheme.png


At the 20 May 2020 Ordinary Council meeting, Council adopted the South Cessnock Flood Mitigation Scheme which includes:

  • Earth bund wall
  • Raising of Quarrybylong Street
  • Diversion of Kearsley Creek channel

This project forms part of Council's Operational Plan. You can find it within the Operational Plan with the Project ID PMF-2022-006.

Scope of Works 

Channel diversion and widening - Complete - downstream from the junction of the Kearsley Channel and Oliver Street Channel, including demolition and realignment of part of the existing cycleway nearby, including removal and replacement of the existing pedestrian / cycleway bridge.

Construction of a bund wall - running along the eastern side of the railway line parallel to Sixth Street Channel, as well as associated drainage structures.

Levee & road raising - a small levee parallel to and across Quarrybylong Street, plus raising Quarrybylong Street near Edgeworth Street.


    South Cessnock Flood Mitigation Scheme

    South Cessnock Flood Scheme.png


    Kearsley Creek Channel Diversion - Works Complete April 2024

    South Cessnock Flood Project _ Cannel Diversion & Widening _ Drone Photo _ Birds Eye 2.JPG

    Kearsley Diversion.png


    Earth Bund Wall

    Earth Bund Wall.png


    Raising of Quarrybylong Street

    Raising of Q street.png


    Progress Updates

    July 2024

    Council has engaged Public Works Authority (PWA) to undertake the Construction of the Bund Wall. 

    Residents will notice an increase in heavy truck movements along Quarrybylong Street, from the end of August 2024 until the construction is complete. 

    April 2024

    Construction of the Channel diversion and widening/pedestrian and cycleway bridge is now complete.

    South Cessnock Flood Project _ Cannel Diversion & Widening _ Drone Photo _ Birds Eye 2.JPG

    December 2023

    Bolte Civil have been engaged by Cessnock City Council to complete the stormwater channel widening at Railway Street. This project will include demolition works, earthworks, concreting and retaining wall construction.

    Construction works are planned to commence from 6th December 2023 (weather permitting) with preliminary establishment, site survey and demolition works. 

    March 2023

    The pre-construction period is complete. This period involved an independent peer review, resulting in a formal verification of the design, which satisfied grant funding requirements.

    A landscape architect was engaged as part of the detailed design process to enhance visual amenity for the main scheme components, being the bund wall and the diversion channel.

    The tender period will commence in April 2023 provided the alternative design is accepted.

    Council has now engaged the NSW Public Works to project manage the tender and construction phases, as well as to assist Council in the finalisation of pre-construction activities. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the stages of this project?

    Channel diversion and widening - Complete - downstream from the junction of the Kearsley Channel and Oliver Street Channel, including demolition and realignment of part of the existing cycleway nearby, including removal and replacement of the existing pedestrian/cycleway bridge.

    Construction of a bund wall - running along the eastern side of the railway line parallel to Sixth Street Channel, as well as associated drainage structures.

    Levee & road raising - a small levee parallel to and across Quarrybylong Street, plus raising Quarrybylong Street near Edgeworth Street. 

    What works have already been completed?

    Channel diversion and widening - downstream from the junction of the Kearsley Channel and Oliver Street Channel, including demolition and realignment of part of the existing cycleway nearby, including removal and replacement of the existing pedestrian/cycleway bridge.

    The Channel diversion and widening was completed in April 2024.

    What is the next stage to start construction and when will it begin?

    The Construction of the Bund Wall is to begin in late August 2024 and is scheduled to finish in July 2025, subject to weather.

    When will this project be fully completed?

    The South Cessnock Flood Mitigation Scheme is due to be completed by September 2025 dependent on weather.

    What are the benefits of this project for South Cessnock residents?

    South Cessnock has a history of flooding that has been made worse by mine subsidence of up to one metre since the 1980s. In a 1 in 100 Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood, 16 homes experience over floor flooding and 71 homes experience yard inundation.

    The bund wall will create a storage basin to detain and slowly release flood waters, thereby mitigating the impacts of flooding in the South Cessnock area.

    The South Cessnock Flood Mitigation Scheme:

    • Will reduce the height of flood waters to pre-subsidence levels.
    • Lowers average flood depth 14cm relative to average pre-subsidence depth.
    • No home will experience over floor flooding in a 1 in 100 year AEP flood.
    • Safe pedestrian access to all homes in 1 in 100 year AEP flood.

    How much is the project going to cost and how is it funded?

    The total cost of the South Cessnock Flood Mitigation Scheme is $5,955,000

    Part of this project has been jointly funded by:

    • Commonwealth and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements
    • Commonwealth under the National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program
    • Subsidence Advisory NSW
    • Hunter Water

    How can I get in touch with the project team if I have any questions?

    You can contact council at 02 4993 4100 or at